Bold Statement Nicely Supported- “I am Happy”

This guys puts my problems to shame. Amazing how he came out of his self pity to do what he does today.

5 Responses to “Bold Statement Nicely Supported- “I am Happy””

  1. seth Says:

    or arms

  2. seth Says:

    my god this is so freaking funny

  3. seth Says:

    wow lol well im going to go walk to the next room now pick up my books with my hands lol

  4. Michael Vega Says:

    Seth don’t be a dick, nick your awsome you inspire people everyday for what you do. A couple days ago I was having some problems that got me down but watching your video made me realize that I could have it so much worse and I need to just pick myself back up whenever I fall. Thanks for showing me that when your down you just need to keep trying until you get it right.

  5. Michael Says:


    Keep on keeping on.

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